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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Comanche Indians Essay -- essays research papers
COMANCHE INDIANS The Comanches, outstanding horsemen who ruled the Southern Plains, assumed a conspicuous job in Texas wilderness history all through a great part of the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years. Anthropological proof demonstrates that they were initially a mountain clan, a part of the Northern Shoshones, who meandered the Great Basin area of the western United States as roughly prepared trackers and finders. Both social and etymological similitudes affirm the Comanches' Shoshone inceptions. The Comanche language is gotten from the Uto-Aztecan semantic family and is essentially indistinguishable from the language of the Northern Shoshones. At some point during the late seventeenth century, the Comanches gained ponies, and that procurement definitely adjusted their way of life. The life of the walker clan was altered as they quickly developed into a mounted, well-prepared, and influential individuals. Their new versatility permitted them to leave their mountain home and their Shosho ne neighbors and move onto the fields of eastern Colorado and western Kansas, where game was ample. After their appearance on the Great Plains, the Comanches started a southern movement that was empowered by a mix of elements. By moving south, they had more prominent access to the horses of the Southwest. The warm atmosphere and copious wild ox were extra motivators for the southern relocation. The move likewise encouraged the procurement of French exchange merchandise, including guns, through deal with the Wichita Indians on the Red River. Weight from all the more remarkable and better-equipped clans to their north and east, essentially the Blackfoot and Crow Indians, additionally energized their movement. An immense territory of the South Plains, including quite a bit of North, Central, and West Texas, before long became Comanche nation, or Comancheria. Simply after their appearance on the Southern Plains did the clan come to be known as Comanches, a name got from the Ute word Kom dnteia, which means "enemy," or, actually, "anyone who needs to battle me all the time." The Spaniards in New Meadco, who experienced the Comanches in the mid eighteenth century, gave the clan the name by which they were later known to Spaniards and Americans capable. In spite of the fact that the clan came to be referred to generally as Comanches, they called themselves Nermernuh, or "the People." The Comanches didn't show up on the South Plain... ...orld War ll. quickened the separation of Comanche society as individuals from the clan left to secure positions in the resistance business or join the military assistance. In the after war years, the Comanche populace kept on scattering looking for monetary chance. During the 1960s the Comanches, empowered by a resurgence of Indian patriotism, started to cooperate to reconstruct their general public. They experienced significant political changes as a result of that activity. They withdrew from the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Intertribal Business Committee, which had filled in as their administration since section of the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936. In spite of the fact that they kept up attaches with the Kiowas and Apaches, the Comanches set up their own ancestral government, which works in a clamoring complex close to Lawton, Oklahoma. In 1995, the Comanches had a selected innate populace of 9,722 dispersed over the United States. For them the pow-amazing, or move gathering, had become a significant strategy for keeping up Comanche family relationship. The People are likewise joined by pride in their rich Comanche legacy, a component that has stayed steady through long stretches of wild change. Comanche Indians Essay - expositions examine papers COMANCHE INDIANS The Comanches, outstanding horsemen who commanded the Southern Plains, assumed a noticeable job in Texas boondocks history all through a significant part of the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years. Anthropological proof shows that they were initially a mountain clan, a part of the Northern Shoshones, who meandered the Great Basin locale of the western United States as roughly prepared trackers and finders. Both social and phonetic similitudes affirm the Comanches' Shoshone sources. The Comanche language is gotten from the Uto-Aztecan phonetic family and is for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from the language of the Northern Shoshones. At some point during the late seventeenth century, the Comanches obtained ponies, and that procurement definitely adjusted their way of life. The life of the person on foot clan was altered as they quickly advanced into a mounted, well-prepared, and influential individuals. Their new portability permitted them to leave their mountain home and their Shoshone neighbors and move onto the fields of eastern Colorado and western Kansas, where game was copious. After their appearance on the Great Plains, the Comanches started a southern relocation that was empowered by a blend of elements. By moving south, they had more noteworthy access to the colts of the Southwest. The warm atmosphere and bottomless wild ox were extra motivating forces for the southern movement. The move additionally encouraged the securing of French exchange merchandise, including guns, through bargain with the Wichita Indians on the Red River. Weight from all the more impressive and better-outfitted clans to their north and east, essentially the Blackfoot and Crow Indians, likewise energized their relocation. An immense region of the South Plains, including quite a bit of North, Central, and West Texas, before long became Comanche nation, or Comancheria. Simply after their appearance on the Southern Plains did the clan come to be known as Comanch es, a name got from the Ute word Komdnteia, which means "enemy," or, truly, "anyone who needs to battle me all the time." The Spaniards in New Meadco, who experienced the Comanches in the mid eighteenth century, gave the clan the name by which they were later known to Spaniards and Americans capable. In spite of the fact that the clan came to be referred to verifiably as Comanches, they called themselves Nermernuh, or "the People." The Comanches didn't show up on the South Plain... ...orld War ll. quickened the separation of Comanche society as individuals from the clan left to secure positions in the barrier business or join the military assistance. In the after war years, the Comanche populace kept on scattering looking for financial chance. During the 1960s the Comanches, empowered by a resurgence of Indian patriotism, started to cooperate to modify their general public. They experienced significant political changes due to that activity. They withdrew from the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Intertribal Business Committee, which had filled in as their administration since section of the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936. In spite of the fact that they kept up attaches with the Kiowas and Apaches, the Comanches set up their own ancestral government, which works in a clamoring complex close to Lawton, Oklahoma. In 1995, the Comanches had an enlisted innate populace of 9,722 dispersed over the United States. For them the pow-goodness, or move gathering, had become a significant technique for keeping up Comanche family relationship. The People are likewise joined by pride in their rich Comanche legacy, a component that has stayed steady through long stretches of wild change.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Vocational Education Essay Example For Students
Professional Education Essay There are numerous difficulties that a country must face. One is planning theyouth for the professions of tomorrow. Professional Education readies the youthful peoplefor fruitful vocations. The logical learning shows ideas as they areapplied, in actuality, and the universe of work, hands-on critical thinking exercises/works out. Connecting auxiliary and post optional professional training programs into a seamlesscareer readiness program. Youngsters used to think that its a lot simpler to enter the activity advertise than they do today. We will compose a custom article on Vocational Education explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Most employments today require a blend of basic reasoning and manual abilities. Businesses are disappointed with the planning of passage level specialists. The employersfeel the grow and improve the profession readiness offered by our nationssecondary schools are an unquestionable requirement. WHAT IS WORKINGThe 1994 National Assessment of Vocational Education (NAVE) shows thatparticipation in Vocational Education can have significant settlements for students,particularly when understudies total a program or intelligent arrangements of courses. Secondary school graduates who complete a sound grouping of professional courses are morelikely to secure preparing related positions, acquire more in those employments, and are more averse to beunemployed after some time than those with an increasingly broad foundation. Post secondarystudents who complete non-baccalaureate degree professional projects get moremarket benefits than the individuals who complete a similar number of credits, however does notMorris 2complete a degree program. As of late, Federal help has fortified state andlocal improvement of promising new methodologies that address the preparation oflarge portions of American youth to take up gainful jobs in todays work environment. The School-to-Work Opportunities Act expands the significance of educational program by callingfor coordinated learning sorted out into rational successions around extensively convergedcareer majors, work understanding, just as scholastics and word related examination. School-to-work frameworks is driven by the acknowledgment that neither scholastics not occupationaleducation alone gives all understudies the aptitudes ? critical thinking, reasoning,interactive learning-vital for additional training and for high compensation business. Coordinated adapting likewise reestablishes significance and pertinence to the understudies experience ofschooling. Changing what in an excessive number of secondary schools is an incoherent arrangement of coursesinto a genuinely incorporated, experientially grounded instruction that continuallydemonstrates to understudies how training applied to reality. Incorporated learning is additionally ateaching system that more intently coordinates human perception than customary high schoolclass work. The advancement of incorporated educational program requires collective arranging amongschool executives, scholastics and word related instructors, bosses, and worker's guilds. School-to-Work association gatherings additionally give chances to building theseconnections. This system has a drawn out potential for giving understudies withvocational instruction encounters that raises both their inspiration and achievements,while additionally setting them up for business and post auxiliary training. Numerous statesMorris 3across the country are embraced these promising bearings as the foundation for majorreforms to improve workforce arrangement in auxiliary and post optional training. REFERENCESVocational Education, 9/5/97Curriculum Integration in School-to-Work Systems,,9/5/97
Friday, August 21, 2020
Systems of governance and authority Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Frameworks of administration and authority - Essay Example This brought about critical misfortunes among the European countries, both financially and strategically, that had controlled assets in the Americas. The European nations wandered in Africa with a craving to keep up their riches and political influence. They advanced this new type of dominion as a â€Å"moral commitment to civilize†the African people group (Louis, 2006). They additionally defended their entrance and scramble for Africa with perspectives, for example, looking for new markets and getting to assets for their recently framed ventures. Be that as it may, the fundamental hidden purpose behind colonization of Africa was to take advantage of the lucky break to exhibit political and monetary prevalence over their opponents. Various nations utilized various methodologies in applying their impact on the African mainland. The British utilized aberrant standard while the French executed the absorption strategy. The Belgians and Germans, then again, utilized savagery to keep up their command over African people group they governed (Louis, 2006). Notwithstanding the strategies utilized, in any case, the authority over th e African landmass would just last a couple of ages before autonomy developments and upheavals rose to assist Africans with recapturing control of their mainland. The vast majority of the networks in Africa responded furiously to the control of the Europeans. A significant number of them dismissed the pioneer rule from the very beginning. In Nigeria, for example, the British Empire assumed control over the area and applied its authority over the neighborhood networks. The Western African area the British took over was comprised of various networks, some of which had their own initiative structures (Louis, 2006). Present day nations, for example, Nigeria, Benin, and Cameroun didn't exist at the time the British dealt with the gigantic region in West Africa around River Niger. The British attempted to unite the various networks under one guideline and one structure of administration. This move was met with extraordinary obstruction,
Needs of Customer Essay Example for Free
Necessities of Customer Essay At the point when clients stroll into a café, regardless of whether it is McDonalds or Chez Pierre, they hope to be recognized. This is a little assistance, however it is basic to the achievement of the eatery, as clients who are not welcomed may basically exit and eat elsewhere. The sort of host an eatery has will rely upon the kind of café it is just as how bustling it is. A few eateries pay hosts to welcome clients, cancel names holding up records and walk clients to their tables. In different cafés, the executives and hold up staff assume control over this obligation. Despite what you can bear the cost of for your eatery, consistently ensure somebody has the duty of welcome the visitors and that individual realizes it is her obligation. Hold up Staff When clients go to a café, they expect a decent hold up staff, except if they are eating at an inexpensive food chain. And still, at the end of the day, clients anticipate that the counter specialists should get their requests directly in a proper measure of time and tackle issues rapidly and obligingly. In conventional, semi-formal cafés, clients expect the hold up staff to be mindful, yet not very mindful. Hold up staff ought not drift or intrude, however they likewise should return regularly enough to take care of their clients needs. Likewise, they ought to get food an opportune way and handle issues, for example, food that has been sent back agreeably. Clients likewise expect hold up staff to be well disposed and friendly. Condition Customers for the most part go to cafés to meet with others socially in a well disposed condition. In spite of the fact that condition isn't typically viewed as an assistance, administration assumes a huge job in making a decent situation. Notwithstanding ensuring the eatery is spotless, alluring and the style is predictable with the food and cafés picture, eatery proprietors need to advise their staff it’s OK to allow visitors to wait. Hold up staff ought not imply that it is the ideal opportunity for the visitors to go. For instance, they ought not surge the food to the table except if the client demands it. They likewise ought not begin to clean close by tables in a conspicuous way or trust that clients will get out their cash to pay the check. In actuality, hold up staff should make statements like, Feel allowed to talk as long as you can imagine let me know whether youll need some sweet or a beverage top off. Food and Drink Probably the most significant assistance that a client hopes to get when feasting out is a decent determination of scrumptious and first rate food. As indicated by London wine essayist Jamie Goode, it is progressively significant that food be straightforward and acceptable tasting, made with quality fixings, than to be extravagant or self important. Goode additionally takes note of that clients expect a huge wine determination that isn't overrated. Moreover, clients anticipate that food should be steady with the picture of the eatery. Clients who are feasting at a family café, for instance, anticipate sandwiches, conventional suppers and moderate costs. At a progressively exquisite café, costs can be higher yet food should be a greater amount of the gourmet assortment.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Contextual Analysis of Act 1, Scene 1 of Dr Faustus - Literature Essay Samples
In Act 1 Scene 1, Marlowe continues to subtly parody the structure of a typical Aristotelian tragedy, following the Chorus’ unusual introduction with a seemingly orthodox dialogue from the protagonist, Dr Faustus. However, he does not interact with the Chorus as would be expected, and his soliloquy openly dismisses Aristotle, further revealing Marlowe’s intent to subvert the traditional model. Faustus uses his opening speech to systematically reject the four main areas of academia at the time of the play’s writing: philosophy, medicine, law and divinity. His dismissal of each area in turn reveals his undisputed achievements- having apparently reached the limit of human knowledge he is unsatisfied and hungry for more. Faustus strongly resembles the protagonist of Lyly’s Euphues in this speech, even referencing the same names in Aristotle, Justinian and Galen. Conversely, while that character seems â€Å"onely to desire them†and says they have  "made such a breache into my minde†, Faustus is finished with the known world of human knowledge and proclaims that â€Å"a greater subject fitteth Faustus’ wit.†In his evaluation of philosophy, Faustus discusses Aristotle and his Analytics, which had been at the heart of the university curriculum in Western Europe since the 13th century but was beginning to be challenged as Marlowe graduated. This reference not only shows how the established order of knowledge was beginning to change, but alludes to Marlowe’s own questioning of the Aristotelian model of Tragedy. However, the Latin quote in line 7 is in fact written by Petrus Ramus, one of the intellectual reformers who was at the front line of the attacks on Aristotle and his works. This quote has a distinct flavour of Sophistry about it, and as such would have rankled against everything that Aristotle argued. Faustus supports his dismissal of Aristotle and philosophy with an entirely contradictory quote, undermining his declaration that he â€Å"hast attained the end†of the discipline. Interestingly, his final farewell to philosophy quotes â€Å"on kai me on†, an aphorism of Gorgias of Leonti, known as the father of Sophistry and the object of one of Aristotle’s most personal attacks. Faustus is in fact truly confused and not the master of the subject that he believes. This is the first of a series of mistaken claims and ignorant statements that he makes in his assertion to have reached the limit of conventional learning.By invoking the name of Galen, a 2nd century Greek physician who was considered a medical authority well into the Middle Ages, Faustus now moves his attention to the art of medicine. He sees medicine as a means to earn money, and looks down upon it as merely a way to â€Å"heap up gold†. The link between gold and medicine is a long established one, and the concept of potable gold (aurum potabile), a gold-based potion that was said to cu re all illness, had been discussed in Classical times and had even been claimed to have been invented by the alchemist Paracelsus, who also lived in the 16th century. This is referenced by Shakespeare, Marlowe’s great contemporary, in Henry IV. However, it seems that Faustus views the connection between gold and medicine to concern profit rather than cure, a view similar to that expressed by Chaucer’s Physician in The Canterbury Tales, and this connection taints Faustus with some of the Physician’s less than admirable qualities. Faustus’ dismissal of medicine for this reason is ironic, considering his later discussion of magic and the way he would use it for material gain. Furthermore, Faustus laments medicine’s inability to conquer man’s mortality, and talks of raising the dead â€Å"to life again†. This would have had a strong impact upon a contemporary audience, with links made to biblical stories such as the Resurrection and that of Lazarus. To bring someone back from the dead was a power exclusively linked to God, and to wish for such things was blasphemous and hubristic, a clear example of Faustus as an over-reacher. Marlowe’s reference to Hippocrates through the word â€Å"aphorisms†(Hippocrates’ Aphorismes) could be another example of Faustus’ arrogance: to compare himself to such a renowned thinker. It could however also be read as a fair comparison and sign of his incredible intellect. Justinian was a Roman Emperor during the 6th century AD, famous for his reformation of Roman law. His work formed the basis of Christian canon law, and this is alluded to in the phrase â€Å"universal body of the Church†, a pun on Justinian’s Corpus Juris (Body of the Law). While Faustus sneers that Justinian only concerned himself with â€Å"paltry legacies†, once again the quotes he uses reveal far more than he realises. The translation of the first quote (If one and th e same thing is promised to two people, one should have the thing itself, the other the value of the thing) could be read to relate to Faustus’ later dealings with Lucifer. Perhaps the misery and disaster that befalls Faustus is of equal value to the very soul he gives away. This reading gains credibility when read from a Calvinist viewpoint: if the soul was damned from its inception, it has no worth at all to a Christian. The second quote translates as â€Å"A father cannot disinherit his son unless†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The ellipsis here may again signify the actions about to unfold, the father may refer to God: is Marlowe suggesting that Christianity’s God would never forsake a soul, unless it sunk to such levels as Faustus’ will? Once again, with the phrase â€Å"mercenary drudge†Marlowe creates the perception that Faustus is deriding the Law as being underneath his own abilities and good only for making a living, a purpose far below his lofty goals. The ir ony of this becomes apparent quickly, as Faustus immediately talks of a â€Å"world of profit†as soon as he outlines his plans for his magical knowledge.It is when Faustus discusses divinity that he is at his most illogical; the irony is that he is meant to be a great scholar on the subject. Firstly, he talks of Jerome’s Bible before proceeding to quote in Latin that did not appear in this edition. More obviously, Faustus fails twice to fully quote a biblical passage: subsequently he entirely misses their messages. The omitted passages are incredibly apt to the play, both offering the comfort of eternal life if one comes â€Å"through Jesus Christ†(Romans vi, 23) and that God is â€Å"faithful and just†and â€Å"will cleanse us from all unrighteousness†(John 1, 8) if sins are confessed. It is the fact that Faustus ignores these aspects of Christian doctrine that condemns his soul for eternity. The fact that seems to upset Faustus most is the tr uth that man has to die, the same realisation that troubled him when dismissing medicine as impotent. Faustus refusal to consider an afterlife in heaven, and his obsession with worldly sensation and materialism, is at the heart of his tragic demise. He sees an â€Å"everlasting death†rather than the possibility of the Christian afterlife, an outlook that drives the bargaining of his own immortal soul for a lifetime of hedonistic pleasure. Despite the highlighted inconsistencies in his argument and Faustus’ clear displays of hubris, Marlowe does not intend for the audience to condemn him, nor to fall entirely in line with the teachings of the Church. Faustus is such an interesting figure because he is meant to excite the drive within each one of us to fulfill human potential and to break free of limiting factors, such as those placed on society by religion at that time. In the new atmosphere of anthropocentrism that had begun to envelope Renaissance Europe, a character with such far reaching ambition to further human knowledge was meant to be revered. However, when Marlowe’s own radicalism and subversive nature is taken into account, many read Dr. Faustus as a rallying call for such individual liberation and an attack against the stifling influence of the Church, only pandering to Christian sensibilities to pass through the necessary censorship. Yet as is made evident by the numerous and frequent references to Faustus own failings, Marlowe is not an unequivocal advocate of such a philosophy. Even the most intelligent among us, he says, do not know all that we can know. There will always be certain inexplicable aspects of our universe, and it is dangerous for us to reach to deeply into these abysses. To borrow a metaphor from the Icarus story that Marlowe references, mankind should rise above the cloying sea-mists of self-limitation and not drown in ignorance, but should soar into the free airs of unknown knowledge, breaking boundaries and advancing as far as we can. However, there is always the danger of flying too high, and of scorching ourselves with the inexplicable, unreachable power of certain unknowable truths. It is this same idea that makes Faustus such a powerful dramatic figure: he is a hero in the original sense, someone who transcends humanity, but ultimately transgresses and is necessarily punished. He is someone who pushes, but pushes too far. For that he should not be universally condemned, but his mistakes must be seen as a warning.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Hair Extension Application - Free Essay Example
At some point in a womans life many of them believes that performing hair extension services does not need some profession, the woman in charge must have some decline in the changes. As it is opposed in the hair style, the appearance, temperament and personality should coarse with the course curly hair which is the consultation based on the client under one of the most important steps in assessing the woman profession as in hair dresser its all about to get into a decent state. Think of she as a painter and then ensure that you practice your profession in a precise way when she is about to begin painting on a canvas, wouldnt one want to know what the canvas was made out of, or if she is in a state which does satisfy her personality then it is good to look for a technical foundation to design your hair which will sooth your stimuli and raise your emotions. As we begin to consultation with the client one need to have access of the condition of their hair. Is their hair compromised in any way, meaning, has it been damaged, are they losing and hair? Do they have maintained hair, meaning, do they come in for color, haircuts or perms on a regular basis? These are important things to find out before beginning any services, because she need to know not only what kind of condition the hair is in, but she should also need to have consistent view of the different designs. According to most of the clients we should know where we can have the basic foundation as well to adjust and discuss on hair vision. I am going to dwell back to the idea of the painter, what does my client want her to paint? We will need to ask the client based on we will vision her hair to look like once one has finished applying the hair extensions. The best way to do this is having most of the client having the potential to bring in some pictures so that we can really see wh at kind of vision she has in her head. Moreover most of the vison are based in a move that will leave them deserving for a return back. Most of the client should focus on having a decent made hair based on his decision. For one to be creative in his view, we need to emulate on how the we can paint with the colors we already have. Despite all of this we have to give some focus on the hair as it is discussed by different clients vision of the finished look we will then match her hair color, so that one can order the correct shade. This is one of the most important steps, because if the shade it is not right, the finished look will not be right. Shade matching is best done with a color that satisfies the client from the company we may plan on ordering hair from. Their color will have a variety of shades from white, to black and to every color in between. They do not recommend purchasing hair extensions if she do not have a color ring. According to this we are sure that most design do not begin their artwork with dirty brushes and neither should he decide on the same. Once we begin the application process one will want to start by shampooing and blow drying clients hair to ensure it is clean and free of any oil that may compromise her adhesive. She will want to use an oil free clarifying shampoo, because this will remove all excess oil without compromising the integrity of her clients hair. In vision the hair dresser paint based on where one should decide to begin. If her hair is completely blown dry, she will section the hair in four large sections. Two vertical sections on the right side, and two vertical sections on the left side. According to the client decision we shall start at the head and also this can hide the ear and the peck of the occipital bone at the nape of the neck. We all know that she have her four large sections, we will then make smaller horizontal sections starting at the nape of the neck. Once done we will section a one inch section horizontally, but ensuring that we stay within her vertical sections. We must give a clear understand to most of the people based on our vison which is clear and precise to most of the canvas and how we can begin the submission. On that view her sectioning is complete once we begin the application process. Application is key, now that we have nice clean sections this step will be a breeze. We will take a small sections from one of the horizontal sectioning, on more than twelve to fifteen pieces of hair. Once we have that small section isolated in her hand, we will be in position to will place one hair extension under her isolated section, take one of his heating tool and carefully place the small section of hair and hair extension between the heating tool, after five to ten seconds we will have adhesive which will be pliable enough for full rolling it into the hair. We will then take your index finger, and her thumb, rolling the hair extension back and forth until the adhesive has cooled. Once we shall repeat this process until her hair is at the end o f her horizontal section. One shall repeat your one inch horizontal sectioning methods in all four vertical sections, until you have reached the crown of the head. According, to the clients views the blow drying are mostly based on the horizontal index. Once this its done it will ensure that it the duration of the client back into the extension has been prolonged and may be composed of a vertical and horizontal sectioning. One need to be keen on the client that you are handling in order to ensure that no interference at all occurs. In conclusion one will also ensure that all of his ideas to make sure the client knows how to maintain her master piece she has worked so hard on. When one wouldnt want to hang it up on the wall and let dust accumulate. Maintenance is key in the hair extension maintenance is when your client will need you to remove the hair extensions. One will need to remove the hair extensions every three to six months depending on how rapidly her clients hair grows. If the hair extension is one inch from the scalp you will need to remove them, the reasoning is that his is naturally and she will lose fifty to one hundred hair a day naturally, so think of how many hairs have naturally let go, but they are trapped within the bond adhesive. The twelve to fifteen pieces of hair are approximately attached to ten to eight pieces of hair, she do not want stress to the hair if she do it could compromise the hair by making it false. In this essay there are some views which can give some technical outcome an d needs to be addressed in a good framework. Process Peer Review Sheet Does the paper have a title? If so, is the title interesting? It is better to avoid the phrase How To in the title, so if the paper has this phrase, suggest something different. The title is a little bland and too straightforward. Hair extension application does not really capture the readers attention try something like flawless extension application or something that is more interesting. Does the paper have a thesis statement in the introduction that tells which process the paper will analyze? Yes, I think there was a thesis statement but it was not clearly expressed in the paper. Is the introduction interesting? Is there a hook that grabs the readers attention? The introduction was not very interesting. There wasnt really a part that grabbed the readers attention. How many steps does the process have? I believe there was 6 or 7 steps to the paragraph. There were three steps in what I believe was the thesis statement but those steps all were preapplication steps and then there was more steps to the process scattered in to the paragraphs. The paper was hard to follow. Is each step described in a separate paragraph? The steps are not clear in the paragraphs. Does the author use transition words to help the reader move through the process? Mark the transition words and phrases that you see. If you find places that need more transitions, let the author know. Yes, but more are needed. Transition words marked in yellow. Has the author used descriptive language to make his/her writing interesting? Yes, but it did not necessarily make the paper interesting. The paper was hard to follow and some descriptions lacked relevancy. Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence and concluding sentence? No, this was addressed in comments. Mark the papers best paragraph and explain why you feel that it is the best. Is the paper formatted in MLA? Yes, but there are some mistakes. Is the paper written in third person? Mark any first and/or second person pronouns that you see in the paper (I, me, you, we, us, your, our) MARKED IN RED Are there errors in grammar, punctuation, diction, or syntax? If so, mark a few of the errors and let the author know that more editing is needed. Addressed in comments. No indent in paragraphs, unclear where paragraphs start and stop. Use the Plus/Delta Sheet below to list the three things that the author has done well (Plus) and the three things that the author most needs to change or improve (Delta)
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Economic And Political Instability - 2241 Words
To what extent does the economic and political instability in Mexico impact the urgency for immigration reform in the United States? The political and economic condition of Mexico has been characterized by corruption and inequity, thus affecting immigration rates to the United States. Although the political instability rooted within Mexico’s history has been prevalent since its post-colonization, recently, new political presences have aimed to correct the corruption within Mexico’s government to lessen the reasons for emigration, thus impacting a current controversy in American politics regarding immigration reform. The fraudulence of the Mexican government deeply affects the citizens’ safety; therefore, immigration reform should be implemented because of America’s capability to provide security and the humanitarian principles that are ensured. Mexican citizens feel motivated to emigrate for better economic opportunities available outside of Mexico. Without a proper source of income or the needs to support one’s self or family, these immigrants feel motivated to move out of Mexico to achieve proper financial support. According to Gary K. Cà ¡rdenas, professor and director of the Hispanic Research Center, and Mary Erickson, professor of art in the School of Art, in an analysis about Frida Kahlo’s Self Portrait Between the Borderline of Mexico and the United States, Kahlo and Rivera’s immigration to the United States was influenced by the commissions received: â€Å"to do murals inShow MoreRelatedEconomic Instability And The Political Situation2200 Words  | 9 PagesThere are four aspects comprising any development, such as economic, environmental, social, and political, which are deeply interlinked. Analysts are using the â€Å"ripple†effect to outline the manner in which these four aspects of growth and development are connected. Any slight change within each of the highlighted facets of growth influences the other three. For example, economic instability has a profound effect on the social, political, and environmental pendulum. This work will outline the relationshipRead More Cubas Economic and Political Instability Essay2032 Words  | 9 PagesCubas Economic and Political Instability Cuba’s political instability and sugar-centered economy were the result of U.S. influence through the Platt Amendment and the various Sugar Acts and reciprocity treaties. Marifeli Perez-Stable takes this stance in her book The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, and Legacy in her interpretation of Cuban radical nationalism in the 1950’s. The domination of Cuba’s economy by the sugar industry was responsible for much of its wealth but also a great deal ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Economic Instability On Social, Political And / Or Environmental Factors2353 Words  | 10 PagesAssess the effects of economic instability on social, political and/or environmental factors as well as some of the solutions that have been employed to overcome them. Today’s most urgent problem is the global financial crisis, which broke out in 2008, its impact and its negative consequences( Karimov, 2009). Economic instability as a definition is when the financial system of a country faces ups and downs on its economic objectives. That is, when it faces major fluctuations in output, when inflationRead MoreA Country With A Monoculture738 Words  | 3 PagesAdam Kott from New York University poses the question on whether oil dependency in Venezuela contributes to national instability. He begins by arguing on the economic perspective by stating â€Å"A country with a monoculture, such the case of Venezuela and oil, will experience considerable economic hardship when the price of commodity falls†(Kott, 70). He further amplifies his hypotheses through the utilization of empirical data in which demonstrates the decline in GDP growth from 2008 to 2009. Due toRead MoreEgypt is a republic in northeastern area of Africa it was known as t he United Arab Republic until1500 Words  | 6 PagesEgypt is a republic in northeastern area of Africa; it was known as the United Arab Republic until 1971. Egypt is an ancient civilization that grew from 2600 to 30 BC. Egypts economic range includes involvement with mainly tourism, construction and manufacturing. Currently, Egypt’s economy is not doing well. Because of the revolution in 2011, the Egyptian economy has gone from bad to worse. The country’s unemployment is still increasing which is causing the budget deficit. Job creation is virtuallyRead MoreThe Causes Of The Overwhelming Civil War In Syria1183 Words  | 5 Pagesto take a close look at the effect of the crisis on the economic growth in Lebanon. Theoretical literature reviews. 1) Tourism: For Faysal Itani (2016) Lebanon tourism pays the price of the Syria’s war. It threatens the economic growth of the country. †¢ Several foreign countries (US, UK, Canada) place bans, formal or informal, on travel to Lebanon due to security incidents and especially political disagreements which reduces tourist’s expenditures andRead MorePolitical Stability1116 Words  | 5 PagesCitation: Review of Political Instability Summary: Political instability has become a huge and serious problem for both developing and underdeveloped countries. Pakistan is also in one of these countries which is facing the problem of political instability. The instability of government, inefficiency of political parties and a weak political culture make Pakistan a politically instable state. Political stability is important for keeping the societyRead MoreThe Affect of Political Instability and Inflation on Pakistan1438 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper issued by the State Bank of Pakistan talks about the affect of Political Instability and Inflation on our country. Pakistan since independence has been a victim of political instability ranging from political dismissals, cabinet changes or assassinations. This instability has had an adverse affect on our policy formulation, implementation and effectiveness in terms of economic stabilization. Due to an unstable political environment we are unable to implement a set of consistent and coherentRead MoreEmpirical literature examining the determinants of inflation has mostly viewed it as a monetary900 Words  | 4 Pagesthe main political, institutional and economic determinants of inflation across countries and over time. For instance, Aisen and Veiga (2006) conclude that political instability leads to higher inflation. Their study reveals that an additional government crises and a cabinet change which are used as proxy for measuring political instability raise inflation rate by 16.1% and 9.1% respectively. In another study, Aisen and Veiga (2008) extend their work to further analyze the effect of political instabilityRead MoreHow Do Government Institutions Affect Stock Market Performance1079 Words  | 5 PagesPolitical stability and other institution related indicators are also used to predict stock returns. Narayan et al. (2015) develop a country-level governance indicator using some of the commonly used governance risk factors, and exam ine whether country-level governance can predict stock returns. They conclude that governance risk factor can be employed to predict stock returns, when governance quality is poor; yet for the developed countries, governance indicators are not able to predict stock returns
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